Request to join a group
If you are an issuer and would like to join a specific group, here's the steps to do so.
Step 1:
Search the groups list for the group you want to join.
Step 2:
Click on the group name to go to that group's profile page.
Step 3:
Click "For Issuers: Click here to request to join this group".
Step 4:
Using the provided template, send an email to the group owner asking to join the group.
Step 5:
Wait for the group owner to respond, cc'ing, with their approval.
Step 6:
Vax.Codes will add that groups membership to your issuer registration.
Step 7:
Done! You membership in that group will be now visible in your entry in the issuers list.
Don't have an Issuer ID?
Register as an issuer to be assigned one.